London, the capital city of England, is one of the most multicultural places in the world. The diversity of different cultures has made London one of the best places to learn any language. London has such an assorted range of populates and cultures and with this, more than 300 languages are spoken within its borders. This is one of the many reasons why London is very attractive to people who seek to learn new languages as well as learn from different cultures. The attitude in the city has amplified to have a high quality of culture and lifestyle. The city is known for having such a diver culture, from going to eat Indian cuisine, or sitting contemplating the beauties of different temples and international Landmarks. It is becoming more common that the native speakers of London can speak more than just English, London becoming a world capital for all languages.

London the multicultural capital of the world – source
London has an incredible access to courses varying in any subject. The beauty of being such a multicultural city is its accessibility to learning in different languages. Language courses come in all forms; you can take all level of education in a wide variety of different language. Because of the cultural diversity, you can choose to live in a community where the dominance of that language that you seek to learn is predominant. It is easy to immerse yourself into a language when the people around you speak it fluently. You can dine out in a restaurant, or go shopping and absorb from the language from such normal everyday activities. The city has so many public libraries and public places where you can strengthen your learning curve with material; watch movies, read books and go to different multicultural events. In London it is easy to find people that tutor privately, another option to learn the language without having to travel outside the city.
In any case, if you would want to immerse yourself completely in a different culture, London offers many ways to travel thru the European Union. The varieties of countries that surround England have such variety in languages, which it becomes easy to travel from the city to other places, and experience its life personally. For example, just a train away you have access to travel into Paris, in no more than two hours. If you live in London, you can think about learning any language and when you are comfortable enough take a trip to the country which they speak it, such as; France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Denmark, to mention a few. Not only is learning a language in London easy, it is also accessible. You are only steps away from an endless multicultural experience.